
What does Quality 4.0 means for Quality Professionals?

Blogger : Abdulrahman K. Qudsi Contact with Blogger: Qudsi2525@hotmail.com What does Quality 4.0 means for Quality Professionals? Industry 4.0 technologies are driving a transformation throughout the manufacturing industry. Data quality and interconnected data-sharing systems will have great effects on quality management, from increasing the speed of improvement and lowering the cost of quality to driving skill shifts. Quality professionals need to learn and incorporate these developments into their workflows to stay competitive.

ISO 9001:2015 Headline

Blogger: Mazen A. Majeed Contact with blogger : majeedmazen@gmail.com ISO 9001;2015 Headline      Aim:   The ability to consistently deliver products and services that satisfy customers and enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system   Context of the organization  c lause  4 of the  ISO 9001:2015 :   Understand the organization and its context through determining and reviewing information regarding external and internal issues, stakeholder needs, and expectations   Leadership   c lause  5 of the  ISO 9001:2015 :   Top management must show leadership and commitment through implementing quality policies, clear responsibilities, and authorities and appointing qualified employees who understand the concept of quality policies and they're applied     Planning Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2015:  This clause includes and describes how we can handle critical activities and risks that may occur in the future and address them through appropriate control measures Sup

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Blogger: Mazen A. Majeed Contact with Blogger: majeedmazen@gmail.com International Organization for Standardization (ISO)     An independent non-governmental organization that sets standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems ISO 9001:2015 Certification This is a Quality Management System (QMS) standard that defines requirements to ensure quality services at all stages of the organization that meet customer expectations   An ISO 9001-certified lead auditor will be able to Explain and interpret the basics and requirements of the QMS Evaluate, plan, conduct, and manage an ISO 9001 compliance audit and review program for the QMS   ISO 22000:2018 Certification The ISO 22000 Certification is proof to establish the effective performance of an organization’s Food Safety Management System (FSMS).   An ISO 22000 certified lead auditor will be able to Describe the FSMS requirements and models that include risks and hazards based on the ISO 22000 appr

Process Design

Blogger:  Abdullah A. Taleb Contact with Blogger: Talb2011@gmail.com Process Design New products are the lifeblood of an organization. Product and process design can provide a competitive edge by bringing new ideas that satisfy customer needs or are easier to manufacture.  The cornerstone of process design relay on the followings:  Idea Generation  - Once it's formed all stakeholders should engage   Applying new Idea feasibility study mainly for : - Production flow and procedures - Function and specifications   Pilot run - Simulations  - Overcome challenges   Launch a new design product or process.

Food Poisoning

Blogger : Ameen M. Rajab Contact with Blogger: Ameen1rajab@gmail.com Food Poisoning ‏What do you know about food poisoning?‏illness caused by eating contaminated food infectious germs, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins, are the most common cause of food poisoning.   ‏How does it happen?‏Food contamination can occur at any stage of production such as cultivation, harvesting, processing, storage, shipping, or preparation. Contamination can also occur in the home if food is improperly prepared or cooked. Contaminated food usually looks and smells normal. ‏What are the symptoms?‏‏Signs and symptoms may begin within hours after eating the contaminated food or may begin days or weeks later. The illness caused by food poisoning usually lasts from several hours to several days. Symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on the source of the contamination. Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs and symptoms: Nausea‏vomiting‏Diarrhea of a watery or b

Good Manufacturing Practices

Blogger: Mazen A. Majeed Contact with Blogger: majeedmazen@gmail.com Good Manufacturing Practices     The main Purpose of GMP:   To prevent harm to end users such as: Ensuring that the final products are non-contaminated, products are checked for quality and most importantly, the personnel must be well trained to check the products       G ood  Manufacturing  Practice Guidelines     Manufacturing facilities must maintain a clean and hygienic manufacturing area and controlled environmental conditions to prevent cross-contamination   Manufacturing processes must be clearly defined and controlled. All critical process are validated to ensure consistency and compliance with specifications, and any changes in the process must be evaluated   Instructions and procedures should be written in clear and unambiguous language using good documentation practices, and operators should be trained to implement and document procedures   Records must be made, manually or electronically during manufacture

Packaging materials

Blogger : Amin M. Rajab Contact with Blogger: Ameen1rajab@gmail.com  Main Packaging materials all products made of any material or type for use in the containment, protection, handling, delivery, and display of goods, From raw materials to manufactured goods, from the producer to the user or consumer. Packaging materials consist of the following : Primary packaging: Prepared to form a unit of sale to the end-user or consumer at the point of purchase Secondary packaging: Prepared to form - at the purchase site set of a certain number of sale packages, whether to be sold in this way to the end-user or consumer or to be used only as a means of filling the shelves at the point of sale, meaning that it can Separate it from the product without affecting its properties. Tertiary packaging: prepared to facilitate the handling and transport of a number of selling units or secondary packaging to prevent manual handling and transportation damage Reusable Packaging: Packaging that is designed and

Good Laboratory Practice

Blogger: Mazen A. Majeed Contact with Blogger: majeedmazen@gmail.com Good Laboratory Practice Definition   The Specifications developed by a company based on a standards organization such as the Standards and Metrology Organization that provides an integrated framework for quality control in laboratories   G ood Laboratory Practice Guidelines   Safe Lab Practices :  Good lab practices are an integral part of conducting research safely such as; Lab coat, gloves, eye protection, and appropriate attire should be worn at all times in the lab   No Food or Drink :  Consuming food in the laboratory can pose many risks such as increased risk of exposure to hazardous materials, contamination of your experiments, and a distraction that can lead to spillage or a more serious accident   Good Hygiene Wash hands after handling any hazardous materials and before leaving the lab Keeping personal items separate from lab work Do not apply cosmetics while in the lab   Use Proper Storage Containers Chemic

Methods of dealing with affected products

Blogger : Abdulrahman K. Qudsi Contact with Blogger: Qudsi2525@hotmail.com Methods of dealing with affected products to ensure that the unsafe product does not reach the consumer Immediate - take back control of the processor. Short-term - dealing with the damaged product. Long-term - investigation, and action to prevent a recurrence The effective return depends on: ● Robust and tested tracking system. ● A planned, documented, and tested recall procedure. ● Latest contact details for key personnel and external agencies. ● Calm and measured approach.

What is the supply chain ?

Blogger : Abdulrahman K. Qudsi Contact with Blogger: Qudsi2525@hotmail.com  What is the supply chain? A series of organizations with their facilities, functions, and activities involved in the production of a product or service that is included in the production and delivery of the product and service and begins with the succession of suppliers of raw materials for the final product. Why are organizations rushing to adopt the supply chain management approach? The need to improve operations Increasing the level of external purchasing Reduce transportation costs Increasing competition and expanding globalization The need for effective inventory management Conditions for the Efficiency and Effectiveness of supply chain management : customer satisfaction The extent of the company's ability to ensure the availability of the product and its delivery to the. customer according to the agreed time stocks Balance and manage the produced materials and raw materials in stock to avoid capital i